This is an improvement to the Gen1 Jeep 1990-2017 Ball Joint Delete™ System to improve return-to-center consistency. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE CURRENT GEN2 1103 KITS. This replaces the crush shim with a short bushing to put direct pressure through the spherical and uses a Delrin shim instead of steel to decrease rotational drag. These will come standard with every new Ball Joint Delete™ System, (Jeep 1990-2017) and are being offered to those already running them. The cost is for shipping only, we are covering the production cost for you!
What is a Ball Joint Delete™ System and why do you need it? Learn more from American Iron Offroad™ founder Josh Dodsworth:
Don't take our word for it, hear from real world drivers that use our products and put them to the test everyday.
Tony Pellegrino Founder of GenRight Offroad
Jon Schaefer Founder RPM Extreme
Scott Durkin Driver of the Trail Reaper
Rick Kane customer turned Partner at American Iron Offroad™
Roger and Amber Betancourt